Let’s face it – therapy is expensive and time consuming, and not everyone can fit it into their lives. But if you suffer from anxiety, it can be inexplicably beneficial (especially if you keep God the focus). I went to a few sessions and footed the bill for you! Keep reading for anxiety tips from a licensed professional, along with my personal tips on keeping God first and relying solely on Him.


From the therapist:

Three times a day, take a few minutes to really take in your environment. Pay attention to EVERYTHING around you – scents, sounds, textures, colors. You can focus on the sensation of the material of your clothes against your skin, the smell of a candle or the fresh air, the sound of birds chirping, and the color/hue of the sky. The objective is to become more mindful and aware of your pleasant surroundings rather than be distracted by negative thoughts and worries.

My tips on incorporating God:

God created such beauty for us to behold - the sky, ocean, trees, flowers - the list is endless. When you're taking in your surroundings, remind yourself that GOD created it. All of it. Meditate on the wondrous work of His hands; His creativity and perfection. Take time to thank Him, and remind yourself to not take things for granted. Your 5 senses: sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell - are all blessings that are far too easy to take for granted.

Be Body Aware

From the therapist:

Take a few moments to focus strictly on physical sensations. Some examples are your pet’s fur, feeling cold water make its way down as you drink it, gently dusting a soft makeup brush against your skin, and feeling the cool breeze of a fan on your face. This should be a pleasant experience, so don’t overwhelm yourself trying to do too many. Choose 1 or 2 and really focus on them.

My tips on incorporating God:

When we truly give our lives to God, the Holy Spirit comes to reside inside us. Yes, the POWERFUL presence of the Holy Spirit is ALWAYS with us. And IN us. When we focus on Him, we can FEEL Him! And it is the most peaceful feeling you can feel. I like to close my eyes, breathe in focusing on the Holy Spirit, and breathe out anxiety. I keep my mind clear, focusing only on the presence of God. No, it's not a physical sensation in the sense that you can touch it, but it IS a sensation you can definitely feel.

Butterfly Tapping

From the therapist:

Cross your arms over your chest, and rhythmically tap your shoulders in a left/right pattern. Butterfly tapping uses both sides of your brain and is a calming technique. As you’re tapping, notice what is going through your mind. If unwanted or stressful thoughts arise, picture them floating by like passing clouds, or a butterfly flitting past. Only focus on pleasant thoughts.

My tips on incorporating God:

Picture Jesus on the cross. When unwanted or stressful thoughts arise, picture them being washed away by the blood of Jesus. Remind yourself of everything He accomplished on that cross... We are healed by His stripes, and our sins were washed completely away. Let Jesus wash away all your anxious thoughts.

Knee Tapping

From the therapist:

Start by tapping your knee according to the level of your anxiety, and gradually slowing down. It helps to have your eyes closed for this one, although it’s not necessary. Breathe deeply and let your mind slow down with the cadence of each tap.

My tips on incorporating God:

As you tap, speak Jesus! Speak Jesus over your anxiety, worry, and fears. You might want to try thinking of 2 Timothy 1:7 and repeating "God has not given me a spirit of fear". You can also say, "God is with me. Nothing can harm me."

Conveyor Belt Technique

From the therapist:

Close your eyes and picture a conveyor belt in your mind. Whenever an unpleasant or unwanted thought occurs, picture it rolling past and falling off the conveyor belt. Only allow positive thoughts.

My tips on incorporating God:

As believers, we know that God doesn't want us to be anxious (1 Peter 5:7). Picture Jesus. When anxious thoughts arise, imagine Him casting it away, because He cares for you! HE LOVES YOU!

Deep Breathing

From the therapist:

Inhale through your nose for 4 seconds, hold for 7, exhale through the mouth for 8 seconds.

My tips on incorporating God:

It's God's breath that is in our lungs. As you inhale, focus on that fact. As you exhale, focus on God's power and His ability (and desire) to heal you from anxiety.

Schedule Outdoor Activity

From the therapist:

It’s important to get a minimum of 1 hour outdoor activity each day. Exercise and sunlight increase endorphins and serotonin, while decreasing cortisol. You don’t have to do it all at once. You can take 6 ten minute walks a day, 2 thirty minute walks, or whatever combination fits your lifestyle best. If you have an outdoor patio or balcony, you can exercise there for an hour a day. Just make sure you’re getting a full hour of sunlight and light to moderate physical activity every day.

My tips on incorporating God:

Getting outside and enjoying God's creation does wonders for the soul, and for your overall mental health. As you walk (or whatever outdoor activity you choose), marvel at the beauty of nature, and realize who made it! None of it was created by accident; God purposely formed this beautiful earth exactly the way He wanted. And saw that it was good! Haha! Amen!


From the therapist:

If anxiety causes your heart rate to soar, close your eyes and picture it slowing down. You can picture your heart rate slowly decreasing on a pulse oximeter, watch, or anything that measures your pulse. The mind is very powerful and imagery works wonders for a LOT of people.

My tips on incorporating God:

The mind is powerful, but not as powerful as God! Remember Jesus on the boat (Mark 4:35-41)? Speak that same peace over yourself (in Jesus' Name) that He spoke over the storm and raging waters. Pray and ask God to calm you and return your heart rate to normal. Believe it is done. Because it is!


The main takeaways from these sessions are to be conscious of your thoughts, and train yourself to think positively and only allow pleasant feelings and emotions. From a Christian perspective, I choose to keep my focus on God. Recalling scriptures, praying, and relying on God is your best defense against anxiety (and everything else)!

If you have any additional tips you’d like to share, please comment them below so I and other readers can benefit from them too. Also, let me know if you found any of this helpful! Thanks for reading and God bless!